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Date: Thu, 28 Dec 1995 13:10:59 -0500
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From: (John Crookshank)
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Subject: Re: Assessment of powerviewer
X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0c -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas
Status: RO
On 27-Dec-95 12:16:58, David Barchas ( Emailed:
> I have been playing with it for a couple of hours now to see how much I
> can slow it down on my millenium card and have come to some
> conclusions...
> First off I have to say that the actual viewer part of the plugin is
> good. The only thing is that there are no fun buttons to push, I like
> buttons, not just on the screen but on the keyboard as well.
> 1) I think a usefull addition would be to add a zoom feature because the
> main reason why I would use this modeller pluging is find polygon
> errors before finding them in a final render. When you have small
> little things attached to big things you can't see the small polygon
> errors. This may be of importance if you are going to be zooming in on
> a part of something in the final. A workaround right now is to cut off
> a piece into another layer and then powerview that piece... Moving
> left right up and down goes hand in hand with this.
> 2) I have to agree with the need for this in layout so that lights can
> be aimed quicker and so that objects don't pull the "I'm really not a
> solid object" routine.
> 3) I had a number three but I forget what it was. Oh well.
> Dave
RTFM! :-)
The PowerView has some nifty keyboard commands, a few of which are:
v - sets left mouse button to zoom control
s - sets left mouse button to spin control
RMB - right mouse button switches between smooth & faceted surface
I agree though, buttons or menus would be cool. Maybe in the next update?